Case Study: Polyster + Chatty = 12% Lower Churn Rate

Plyster with Chatty Insights

Polyste is a mid-sized tech company based in Seattle. Over the past year, we noticed a gradual decline in customer satisfaction that affected our retention rates.

By the end of 2023, we had only achieved a 6% year-over-year growth. Back then we were not quite sure what was the cause of this problem problem. However, there was a company understanding that it must be within our products or services experience.

In the beginning, we used surveys to identify the customer needs and pains. However, the feedback we received was too plain. It did not provide enough detail. In most cases, people either responded with a single word or did not respond at all.

In the first quarter of 2024, we took the issue seriously, and I began searching for solutions to this problem. At first, we thought hiring a new team member was a good idea. But they left during the trial period, so we had to continue without them.

Implementation of Chatty and Experience

Once I saw a post on LinkedIn by one of Chatty’s founders. It made me contact Tino from Chatty and I asked about their product’s progress. At first, my main concern would be the reply rate knowing how much my customer base did not enjoy surveys. It was important to see the better results. 

I also asked if it could be used right away. Tino said that the AI tool could automate the heavy lifting of actual outreach from the customer support team. Shortly after we proceed with a trial. 

Setting up Chatty was as simple as promised. My team was amazed at how the AI could adapt its questions based on previous user responses, which was impressive. It felt like having a real person conversing with our users in real-time.

In the first two months, I felt like gaining back the focus. As a result, we began to see problems with payment and onboarding. After our product team saw the results, we have been implementing changes much faster.

Reduced Churn Rate as an Outcome

A significant improvement was in our customer onboarding process. Insights from Chatty pinpointed areas where users were getting stuck or losing interest.

We redesigned the process to be shorter, which significantly improved user activation rates. Also, Chatty helped us find and reach out to users who might leave. In 3 months we could lower our churn rate by 12%!

Future of our partnership

Chatty has become an integral part of our customer success strategy. While not every insight was groundbreaking, the overall impact has been more than positive. We are committed to continuing our partnership with Chatty as we strive to improve customer centricity.

Janine Clarke

Janine Clarke

Head of Customer Success

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