Revamp Market Research​

Eliminate expensive middlemen and accelerate your research cycles with deep, actionable insights.


Boosts in survey participation


Increase in response rate


Faster meeting objectives
Key trends Dashboard by Chatty
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Are Outdated Research Methods Slowing You Down?


Many businesses still rely on third-party agencies for customer research, lacking the internal expertise to manage this crucial function effectively.

Speaking of agencies, 46% of all the professionals already considering AI in their market research processes to tackle common pitfalls like bias and redundancy in surveys.  

Simplify Research with AI

Interview Creation – Easy Mode 3 e1714572951966

Get your research ready in less than 2 minutes with unlimited questions. Meanwhile, adjust Research depth simultaneously. 

Pop up All Interviews

AI Interviewer dynamically adapts to each response, providing insights that traditional surveys and manual interviews may miss.

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AI User Interviewer Mockup

Chatty automatically summarizes and categorizes feedback, making complex research findings simple.

Tailored Insights for Every Need

Chatty Insights Dashboard for Market Research
Whether you're exploring customer satisfaction, testing new product ideas, or understanding market trends, our AI Research assists you every step of the way.
Group 61065
Pietro Ferracini
CEO of Chatty

Chatty´s Testimonials

Chatty Insights transformed our research capabilities, boosting our team productivity, we only spent 2 weeks for customer research instead of months from the past.
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Salva Tosero
Director of Research

Use Chatty for More

Conversation Summary

AI does the heavy lifting – capturing all feedback and summarizing it for you in real-time. You also receive a weekly digest on your CSAT so you're always on top of it!

Automated Reports

Our AI reviews every response your CSAT receives and prepares a beautiful, shareable dashboard for you – making complex data simple and actionable.

Adjustments On The Go

You can always customize the AI interviewer to align perfectly with your specific research needs. The shared links stay the same.

Any Language

Chatty speaks almost every language out there – allowing your customers to express themselves in their own words. AI translates everything for your analysis.

Ready to transform your Market Research?

What exactly does the AI-driven market research tool do?

Our AI-driven interviews streamline the process of conducting market research by automating the creation of interviews, the gathering of insights, and the analysis of data. It allows you to quickly and efficiently obtain high-quality, actionable insights from both your customers and broader market demographics.

By automating the process of data collection and analysis, our tool significantly reduces the need for external research agencies and consultants. This automation cuts down on labor costs and expedites the research process, saving you both time and money.

Absolutely! Our Market Research Platform is designed to be scalable and user-friendly, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes. Small to medium-sized enterprises will find it particularly beneficial as it provides enterprise-level research capabilities without the need for a large in-house research team or the high costs associated with traditional research methods.

No special training is required. Our tool is designed with a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. We also provide detailed documentation and customer support to help you get started and make the most of the platform.

Chatty’s AI-driven tool is versatile and can be used for a variety of research needs, including customer satisfaction surveys, brand awareness studies, product feedback, market trend analysis, and competitor analysis.

The tool offers advanced analytics capabilities, including sentiment analysis, trend detection, and predictive analytics. These features allow you to extract nuanced insights from large data sets, identify emerging trends, and predict future market behaviors based on current data.

Our AI employs sophisticated algorithms to validate the reliability and relevance of data collected during research projects. It cross-references responses with known data patterns and flags inconsistencies or outliers for further review, ensuring that the insights you receive are both accurate and of high quality.

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Schedule a call to discuss your specific needs.

Discover how our AI-driven platform can be customized to your specific research needs.