AI Customer Interviewer​

The perfect tool for gathering qualitative data at scale, in any language, quickly.​
Hero picture, mockup of Chatty customer interviewer with a picture

Interviews at Scale 

The AI Customer Interviewer is your perfect assistant. It seamlessly conducts dozens to thousands of interviews in real time with unwavering attentiveness.

Chatty always stays on top of each topic, actively listening to and analyzing customer inputs. Unlike other tools, it is trained to make every conversation engaging and context-aware.

Person answering Chatty interviewer via the phone
Interview Questions

Use Cases

Product Manager


Validate features and identify pain points.



Understand customer preferences for targeted campaigns.

Business Analyst

Business Intelligence

Gain a bird's-eye view of all the operations inside the company.

Customer Experience Manager

Customer Experience

Gain an idea of customer touchpoints that need adjustments.

Focused on Results

The main goal of the AI Interviewer is to listen, understand, and analyze. Teams discover insights unparalleled to other solutions. 

Chatty Favicon AI Interviewer

  • Deep contextual understanding with dynamic adaptation of questions.

  • Interactive and engaging conversations.

  • Handles from dozens to thousands of interviews seamlessly.

  • Extracts smart insights based on one or a thousand responses.


  • Limited to predefined scripts; lacks depth.

  • Low completion rate. 

  • Can manage multiple interactions but with limited depth.

  • Requires manual answer review.


  • Static questions, limited to a predefined scope.

  • Minimal engagement due to static question format.

  • Collects large volumes but lacks rich insights.

  • Significant manual effort is needed for data analysis.

How Does AI Customer Interview Work?

20 to 20000 answers from customer interviewer

AI handles answers from a handful to thousands of customers effortlessly. 

AI does real-time adjustment based on user responses. Teams are in control of editing and overseeing the interviewer in real time giving the full control for improvements. 

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Smart interviewer uncovers distinct customer behavior drivers through AI data analytics giving a big picture.

1-minute Setup

Chatty provides two setup options, allowing you to adjust the interviewer to your exact preferences or use it straight out of the box. 

Easy Mode

Quick setup in under 1 minute. 

Full Detail Mode

Detailed customization for in-depth interviews.

Question Control

You set the initial question to guide the interview’s tone and focus, ensuring the conversation starts on the right path.

Multiple Topics

It is never about one question or only one answer. With Chatty you can define the level of depth for each particular question.

Depth Customization

You can always adjust how many follow-up questions the interviewer will make before jumping to the next topic.

Chatty’s Testimonials

Since we started using customer interviewer, our team has gained incredibly detailed insights that have directly led to higher product satisfaction. It’s like we finally have a clear roadmap for where to focus our improvement efforts.
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Alberto Romano
Director of Customer Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Are AI Customer Interviews similar to real ones?

Yes, smart interviewer leverages advanced algorithms offering scalability, consistency, and 24/7 availability. While a human interviewer can provide a personal touch, AI Interviewer ensures a friendly and non-biased approach. Chatty can handle large volumes of interviews simultaneously, making it highly efficient and cost-effective.

AI Interviewers typically achieve higher response rates compared to traditional methods due to their interactive and adaptive nature. We trained Chatty using the best practices from real customer interviews and mirroring techniques used by the best interviewers.

You can see results almost immediately after deploying AI Interviewer. The platform provides real-time insights allowing you to make informed decisions without delay.

Yes, Cusomter Interviewer is designed for seamless integration with your ecosystem through embedding or sending a link. Additionally, it offers straightforward APIs allowing you to embed Chatty into your user experience while preserving the exact look and style of your brand.  

We offer comprehensive support, including access to our help center with detailed documentation and tutorials. Additionally, you can contact our customer support team directly for personalized assistance with any questions or issues you may encounter. You may read more about packages and support tiers on our Pricing page

Yes, Chatty provides in-depth insights and comprehensive data analysis, helping analysts uncover patterns, trends, and correlations in user inputs. The platform’s advanced dashboard makes it easy for analysts to interpret complex data

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