Nice to meet you!

Chatty Insights (or call us just Chatty) is on the mission to build an autonomous research platform for customer-centric companies. Chatty is an AI Customer Researcher to perfectly understand your customers at any scale, in any language, fast. 

Make your customers feel heard — send them a Chatty!

Valentino Majdandjic, founder of Chatty
My name is Tino (Valentino). While working as a corporate researcher, I often had to rely on other companies to gather customer feedback. This process was lengthy, and the data provided lacked depth. Once I discovered Generative AI, everything changed.

I had long hoped someone would develop a tool that allowed direct customer interaction and gave me more control. When Generative AI appeared, I decided to create the tool myself.

Chatty is made for the people and the business. It is a reliable, friendly assistant that allows customers to be heard while benefiting business operations.
Valentino Majdandjic, founder of Chatty
Valentino Majdandjic
Co-Founder of Chatty Insights
Together with my co-founder, Pietro Ferracini, we uncovered the gap in the market. Often, businesses need help understanding their customers genuinely, and we believe our solution could help bridge that gap.

Understanding is at the core of every significant change and the foundation of any growth. In an era where information is abundant yet understanding is rare, the value of genuine insights is crucial.
Valentino Majdandjic, founder of Chatty
Valentino Majdandjic
Co-Founder of Chatty Insights
Picture of Chatty Founders
Pietro Ferracini, founder of Chatty

Meet the Team

Chatty is youthful, bold, and diverse—qualities that naturally draw us together. Each team member complements the others, fostering a sense of excitement. The trust, admiration, and respect we’ve nurtured through daily collaboration guides us to success. 

Valentino Majdandjic, founder of Chatty

Valentino Majdandjic

Co-Founder, Head of Product
As Co-founder and Head of Product, Tino is great at turning feedback into features that make our products better and our users happier.
Pietro Ferracini, founder of Chatty

Pietro Ferracini

Co-Founder, CEO
Pietro is a seasoned founder who loves building startups and leading teams. At Chatty, he's all about pushing boundaries and taking smart risks to move us forward.

Alexander Verba

Lead Developer
Alex leads our development team with a steady hand and a sharp eye for detail. He ensures that our all projects meet high standards of quality and innovation.
Andrii Yeshchenko, Growth Lead at Chatty Insights

Andrii Yeshchenko

Growth Marketing Lead
Andrii drives our growth marketing efforts with a creative and analytical approach. He's focused on scaling our reach and ensuring that our marketing strategies not only attract but also retain our customers.
Palak Bothra

Palak Bothra

Content Marketing Specialist
Passionate about all things marketing, Palak is our Content Marketing Manager making sure each content not only resonates with our audience but also aligns perfectly with Chatty's brand voice and mission.
Gonzalo Gaspar Lledo

Gonzalo Gaspar Lledo

Gonzalo, an intern at our company, has shown remarkable dedication to his work. With his genuine trust in Chatty, he contributes significantly to administrative tasks that are crucial for the company's smart growth.
aditya painuli


Junior Developer
At 19, Aditya is the youngest member of our team. He's focused on adding new features and fixing bugs, playing a key role in enhancing our main product.
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Decode Customer Behavior

Chatty Insights provides in-depth customer interviews with the scale of a survey.

Chatty is the perfect platform for understanding customer behavior at any scale, in any language, fast. Our AI-driven interviews are as simple as a survey with the depth of detailed research, effortlessly discovering customer needs and decision drivers. Make your customers feel heard—send them a Chatty!

Our Solutions: